Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Journey 2 Fit {Day 117-129} How to beat "The Visitor"

Taboo subject or not...it is what it is...

Periods!  I do not like them.

As a pre-menopausal lady, I have not had to deal with the body temperature swings, emotional imbalances, etc, but what I deal with is the bloating, ravenous chocolate seeking, cramping, restless, exhausting mess of a period....I guess I do deal with the menopausal crap, just not on the same scale as my older "sisters."

My poor husband, hears it every month, "I HATE HAVING A PERIOD."  What is the worse part for me is during this journey, my period takes a huge toll on me, especially the week before. 

Am I the only one who has the hardest time getting out of bed to go for a run or do a ZUMBA class?  I have found that I can't give even 50% during that time and all I want to is eat sweets and sleep.  I have been lucky enough to be conscious of what I put into my system during this time....and to my surprise I haven't gained any lbs.

My recommendations (if you are having the same struggle as me):

  •  Fiber One 90 cal. Brownies (I hide them from my kids and they help me satisfy the chocolate cravings without the guilt.  They are really GOOD, especially the fudge ones!)
  • Multi-vitamin (I take one everyday.  I am not a dietitian or a doctor, so don't go taking a vitamin based on my words.)
  • Drink H2O (I drink 32 oz. before I have breakfast.  I figure it gets me started on making good food choices.  Not to mention, I think that it moves my period along a little faster) 
  • Spinach Smoothie (I have to keep this going.  I have one for breakfast or lunch everyday.  It is chalk full of  fresh veggies and fruit, which is probably helping the mood swings.  It's the one treat I do share with my boys.  They love em' and that makes me happy.) (if you want one of my receipes, leave a comment and I'll post one for you)
  • Walk (I will admit, the one good thing about having a period to me are the leisurely strolls.  I guess I use it as a week of recovery.  I do about 30 minutes a day of easy walking.)
Well, there's my rant on how I beat "my visitor." What gets you through?

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