Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Journey 2 Fit {Day 103-116} Graduation Outfit Search

The pounds are coming off----CHECK

The inches are melting away----CHECK

Husband is taken 2nd glances---CHECK

The wardrobe is getting updated---NOT CHECK!!!!


I have not been this low in weight and inches in a long time.  My clothes are SOOOO baggy.  My boobs don't fit in my tops anymore and I am constantly having to pull up my pants.

{I must admit, I love having this problem.}

I need a shopping trip.  I need a new wardrobe.  I am about 15lbs. from my 1st goal and I see that it is going to probably be met before the scheduled end date (April 28).  But what I have not planned for is the fact that I am getting to the point where I can't fit into my BIGGER "duds" anymore and they are DUDS!!

I need some ideas here.

When I graduate this May I want a new outfit to go with the new physical change in me as well as my well earned degree. 

Tell me your idea of a great graduation outfit and don't forget the post the link.   

Friday, February 24, 2012

Who was serving who?

The experience of the orientation will forever be a blessed memory. The couple I met were Muslim and middle-aged (37 not middle-aged, right?). I had to teach them how to use public transportation to be able to get to our agency and back home. I was worried that I might offend, not knowing their religious etiquette. Right away they put me at ease.

When I first arrived at their home, The mother answered the door crying.. Her family has only been here just under a month and she really misses her family back in her native country. I'm a hugger. So I did what came natural to me and I wrapped my arms around her and let her cry. After about 2-3 minutes she began kissing me on each cheek and saying Alla had sent me to her. I then told her that I was from the IRC (which ironically is called the International RESCUE Committee). 

We got on the bus and headed downtown. All I was thinking about was not offending. Making sure that I did not accidentally nudge let alone touch her husband. All the while she kept talking and talking and talking.

She told me of how it came to be that she and her family ended up in the US. It is a very spellbound sacred history. My heart broke for her.

We made it to the IRC.

Her husband who spoke very little to no English, was determined to be able to find his way back to there place. Especially after I had told them that they would have to show how to get back home. He knew what he was doing. :-)

We talked a lot. When I told her I was married and had children, she just shook her head and kept saying, "Nah, nah, nah, nah, that's not true."  She kept saying that I was too young to have children as old as I did.  She also would not believe me when I told her I was not Arabic.  It was fun to talk with her and she even danced and sung with me on the corner.  She was a very HAPPY woman.

She grew fond of me and wanted me to stay for lunch.  Unfortunately, I could not.  As I was saying goodbye, she kissed me again several times on each cheek and cupped my face and told me that when she looks into my eyes, she can see my heart.  That she can feel the warmth of my heart and that it brings her close to me.  And to my surprise, her husband grab my hand and patted it and then touched his chest and nodded repeatedly.  I wasn't nervous anymore.

I have never had anyone who has only met me for 3 hours say such beautiful and kind things to or about me.  I was only doing a service.  But I left lifted and blessed, having been served.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Journey 2 Fit {91-102} 100+ days on this "trip"

This has been the most insightful experience thus far.  I have learned more about my own limitations and how I need to respect them. 

Limitations should not be seen as just stuff you "can't" do but in my humble opinion, they should be viewed as "check points."  They are there to make you aware of your abilities and capabilities.  They demand and require RESPECT.

The "check points" I have seen in myself are:
  • Not running faster than you have strength for.
  • Not doing the easy thing just because it is easy (This one was an extremely eye opening lesson.  I have to do a separate post on that)
  • To shut my mouth and just listen and hear.  (There is a great deal you can learn in silence)
And the list can go on.

My journey is not done.  I have pit stops along the way.  I would love company, but you can only get on the ride when it is your time.  And that's another thing I have learned in these 100+ days.  This trip is a long one and those who get on to support you eventually have to get off the train to deal with their stuff.  But others may join you.  Yet and still, there are others whom you will pass by who are not ready for the trip. 

And that's okay.

When you are ready, I will be here for you to support you along the way.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Journey 2 Fit {Day 88-90} Oh Holy S.W.E.A.T!!!

S= Sound
W= Weight loss
E= Energy Boosting
A= All Natural
T= Treatment

Yep, that's what it is!!!  Over the last 90 days, 30 of them I have dedicated to Zumba and fit2fat2fit.  In those thirty days I have done something I have never done in my life before.


In the past I have only allowed myself to get to the stage of "glistening."  Who wanted to sweat?!?!  Sure as heck not me.  I had convinced myself that sweat was not necessary for ME.  Everyone else needed it to see results, NOT ME.

So now I have been sweating daily!! And to my surprise....

I LIKE IT!!!!  A LOT!!!!!

To my understanding, sweat is the body's natural temperature control, when the body gets hot or too hot, you will SWEAT.  So in my little brain, I comprehend that to mean that, if I am sweating, I am burning something...right? 

What is that burning? 



So I will sweat some more. 

What's your S.W.E.A.T acronym breakdown?
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